“Could not uninstall at this time try again later” I don’t want to DISABLE it I want it GONE. I have deleted all files pointing to AVG, because they will no longer uninstall through control panel add/remove. I have uninstalled the toolbar, and made the error if saying “Yes, keep sitesafety for secure web searches” which means FOREVER. The sitesafety plugin is spyware which cannot be removed from your browser EVER. What you can do however is disable the toolbar in the browser which blocks it from being loaded during browser start or use. The toolbar is installed from outside the web browser, which comes with the issue that you can't uninstall the toolbar from within the browser. The toolbar itself offers search, weather information, a link to a speedtest and other features that are not really related to security. This is similar to what Web of Trust does.

So what's the purpose of the toolbar? It ships with a link scanner that displays security information about websites. Yesterday's release of AVG Antivirus Free 2013 included the AVG Security Toolbar as an offer, and if you did not select custom installation, you'd end up with the toolbar in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
AVG Technologies AVG Security Toolbar is included in the company's latest range of security software, as a standalone application, and as a third party offer included in the installer of software such as TuneUp Ztilities, SlimCleaner or PowerIso.